Twas the Day After Christmas (Y2K) (PG)

Twas the day after Christmas and all threw the house;
nothing was stirring, except my computers mouse.

Cans of Spam where stacked in the pantry with care;
anticipating Y2K, which soon would be there

Ten cartons of cigarrettes, a case of Jim Beam;
Bottle of asprin, and toilet paper by the ream.

Water jugs wait in the garage, to be filled;
If nothing happens, I will be thrilled

The Hubble is fixed, but who will care?
If we canąt wash the grime out of our hair.

If the power plant at Glenn Rose donąt melt down;
We wonąt have to abandoned a raidoactive town.

Who will mind if the phone lines give us fits?
As long as a terrorist, donąt blow us to bits.

Painted a sign; łWelcome National Guard˛
planted it smack in the middle of the yard

Took all extra cash from our bank account;
Forty seven fifty, was the exact amount

Propain containers are full, to keep the burners cooking steady;
A closet is packed with AA, C and D Ever-Ready.

The guns are cleaned and oiled to perfection;
In case we need lethal force, for protection.

Important documnets are duplicated and buryed in the yard;
Pray, a glich wipes out the debt we charged on the card.

I wish you the greatest of holiday cheer
Hope Y2K donąt fuck up the New Year.

See the orignal joke at

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